Sunday, January 17, 2021

Rising Bravely Nadiah

Kita mulakan entri pertama 2021 dengan nota-nota yang saya catit semasa menghadiri seminar online daripada IMAN Publication, Raising Bravely-Embracing the Hardship of 2020. Selalu tulis je bila dengar talk, lepas tu letak bersepah-sepah. Sini ada notes, sana ada notes. Semoga lepas ni rajin tulis kat sini untuk peringatan masa depan. Kau juga yang ulang baca.

Seminar ni start dengan Ustaz Mizi Wahid. Tapi, aku tak sempat dengar, tengah makan malam. So, kita mula dengan Quran Tag Girllah. 

Speaker 1 : Ayesha Syahira (He loves Those Who Surrender to Him for Courage)
  • Your salah have to revolve around the thing you do everyday. Whatever you do in the between of salah must be blessing to Allah.
  • Quality of prayer need to be improve eevryday.
  • Treat salah like a presentation to Allah.
  • One of the tip to focus during pray is to pray on time. <-- Based on hadith
  • The intimate conversation with Allah during the recitation Al-Fatihah <-- Hadith Qudsi.
    • Ayat 1 - 3 = For Allah
    • Middle ayat = Between servant and Allah
    • Last 3 ayat = For the servant 
  • When you have problem, go and seek help with prayer and patient (Ayat Al-Quran). Don't try to solve it, pray first. Allah will help. eg doa : "O Allah, inspire me, show me the way to solve the problem."

Speaker 2 : Akif Basri (Bravely Coping the Pandemic)
Aku masuk tengah-tengah sebab ayah nak solat Isyak. So, depan dia tak dapat.
  • Inquisitiveness - Kalau jadi macam ni, kena buat camni. Fikirkan beberapa solution if the thing is not as plan.
  • Resilience - Bangkit jika jatuh.
  • Threat - Trigger yang ganggu dalam life. Kena ada high awareness perkara yang ganggu untuk individu growth.
  • Adaptability = (Purpose + Inquisitive + Resilience) / Thread = InsyaAllah, lebih mudah kita adapt dengan situasi unexpeced.
  • Fasa changes :-
    • Denial -----> Acceptance (not necessay fully recover, just move on) ---> Growth
  • Pain redirect you to where you're meant to be.

Speaker 3 : Liyana Musfirah (Scarred but not Shattered)
  • 2021 - be the year to have a better relationship with your scar
  • Look yourself beyond the scars.
  • Find the scars and deal with it. Enough lable on the scar. Don't add another burden to the scar. 
  • Ask yourself the best doctor to treat the scar? Allah
  • Scar will be a teacher, a reminder and lessonEvert
  • If we have part of scar, other parts (which is more bigger) can cover.
  • Doa to Allah, "O Allah, Engkau yang memberi scar ini, bantulah aku melupakannya dan menghadapinya."

Speaker 4 : Aiman Azlan (Your Life is Worth the Brave Fight)
  • Everyone have their own difficult journey. Indicidual pain is not same as other, but we share the same journey and feeling.
  • Even the fight is painful, it is worth
  • The reason of the journey is worth because of why? Find the WHY.
  • Our life is a journey. It is not a competition. It is not about who is faster or slower, who is richer or lesser etc. than anybody else. 
  • Do not put someone else in your journey equation.
  • People need to be responsible for their success, mistake, certainty and uncertainty decision made.
  • Own your life (choice/your idea/what you want/what you like)
  • Create your life worth living and fighting.
  • A resposible person will try to be the best (in their action/decision) not rebellious .

Speaker 5 : Mizz Nina (The Courageous Heart of a Struggling Believer)
Surprisingly, notes dari dia je dua mukasurat. Banyak betul point.
  • Every calamity, there always a goodness.
  • Whether we be grateful, be patient, have faith to what ever occassion to happen
  • Hadis - Amat menakjubkan urusan seorang Mukmin kerana setiap urusannya adalah baik dan itu tidak akan berlaku kepada seorang pun kecuali kepada seorang Mukmin (yang sempurna keimanannya). Jika dia mendapat sesuatu yang mengembirakan dia bersyukur, maka itu adalah kebaikan baginya. Jika dia ditimpa kesusahan dia bersabar, maka itu adalah kebaikan baginya.
  • Redha - be content with decree by Allah. Allah know me better than myself.
  • To get contenment, always turn to Him in ease and hardship. Doa also.
  • Every struggle, Allah will elevate us.
  • Struggling is thousand times better than giving up. 
  • Difficult to change because we like to rely on people rather than rely on Allah. We need to make Allah as no. 1 in our life.
  • Ar-Rad, ayat 11 - need to begin with myself. Determination.
  • Surah Luqman ayat 22 - holding on to Allah will giving us strength
  • Turn to Allah, The Creator and Master in everything in this world and universe.
  • Surah Al-Ankabut-dunya is like spiderweb. If we live without remembering Allah, we willl stuck.
  • Purify ourself - be real with Allah and be real with ourself.
  • How to purify? - Taubah, be kind, having good manner and akhlaq, call upon Him (Al Jabbar)
  • If Allah is your strength, nothing can break you.
  • May Allah allow us - journey to Allah with pure heart.
  • How? eg : car need fuel. Us need :-
    • Fill our heart with Quran
    • Remember of Allah - Zikir
  • Lose yourself by pleasing people and find yourself pleasing Allah.
  • Ar-Rad ayat 28
  • Run after the Hereafter
  • The life is test. What important is how we respond to it. 
  • Check your heart and yourself everyday.
  • Make a plan with Al-Quran eeryday.
  • Always holding on Allah.
  • It's hard, but not impossible. 

Speaker 6 : Ustaz Hasrizal (Mempersiapkan Minda untuk Tahun 2021)
Notes ustaz ni tiga mukasurat. Hehe.
  • Surah Al Hasr ayat 59:18 Karakter penting bagi orang bertaqwa.
  • Ciri-ciri orang beriman bukan go with the flow. Kena berfikir dan merancang masa depan.
  • Allah menciptakan hidup dan mati sebagai ujian Al-Mulk 67:1-2
  • Untuk setiap ujian, Allah nak tengok siapa yang memperelokkan amalannya.
  • Begin with the end of mind -- benda yang pasti (mati dan kiamat) / benda tak pasti
  • Allah tidak mengajar kita takut kepada kematian, tetapi berfikir apa yang kita siapkan untuk kematian?
  • Hadis - Kita berada di tahun-tahun yang menipu. "Iaitu si bodoh yang bercakap tentang urusan orang ramai." (orang bodoh tidak malu menyatakan kebodohannya)
  • Persiapan pertama : Bezakan isi dan kulit (substance and form?)
    • Fikirkan point. What is the point of study? What is the point of kerja? What is the point of marriage? 
    • eg: Apa pentingnya belajar agama? If we don't know the point, dia boleh jadi hiburan untuk masa lapang je.
    • Ask question. Utamakan yang utama, tinggalkan form
  • Persiapan kedua : Perhatikan apa yang tersurat dan tersirat (iceberg)
    • Iceberg, bukan tengok atas je. 
    • Surah al-kahf membetulkan cara berfikir, membetulkan your value system, first thing first.
    • Metode nilai, perhati dan fikir, percaya <-- Kalau ada masa, pergi study surah Al-kahf
  • Persiapan ketiga : Upgrade Islam. 
    • Dari warisan kepada pilihan. 
    • Cari ilmu.
  • Be kind to ourself. Hadis Hanzalah dan Abu Bakar.
  • Tuntut ilmu, cari peringatan, jangan berhenti bertaubat, engage dalam majlis ilmu, berkawan dengan orang yang baik-baik
  • Tanya diri sendiri, kesan daripada ujian yang kita hadapi, kita jadi lagi baik atau tak? Kalau tak jadi lagi baik, cari jalan baiki dan cari ilmu.
  • How to be kritis? 
    • Dengan memperbaiki kualiti input (keluar dari comfort zone)
    • Dengar benda-benda mencabar minda
    • Don't feel the complacent
    • Read diversely, read things that challenge you / your thought / provoking
    • Question things
  • Doa Allah bagi hidup yang Allah redha, bukan apa yang kita nak
  • Berkawan dengan orang yang sincere dengan friendship dan boleh point out our weakness
  • Jangan putus asa/harapan. Allah lebih suka mengampun dan beri kebaikan berbanding menghukum.
  • Rahmat Allah lebih besar dari kesusahan yang kita hadapi.
  • Rising bravely for 2021 with Allah. :)
Alhamdulilllah. Gagahkan habis transfer nota dari buku ke alam maya. Banyak benda kena check balik. Tapi, kalau check nanti, bertangguh entah bila nak upload? Kalau sempat update, kalau tak, faham-faham sendiri. Kita tutup tazkirah dengan doa, 

"Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku memohon kepadaMu, berikanlah aku ilmu yang bermanfaat, amal yang diterima, rezeki yang baik dan iman yang mantap." 

Speaker lain semuka je

Gigih Ust Hasrizal ni, siap buat slide

Tulisan, takleh 'cantik' lagi. Haha

Kena rajin lagi transfer lepas ni
